Journey in Thought – Hannah Arendt
The text published below is the transcript of a BBC radio feature in the series “Journeys in Thought” created by Jonathan Rée. Rée concentrates on turning points in the intellectual lives of great thinkers, exploring their ideas and positioning them in time and place. His journey to Israel “in the footsteps of the philosopher and political theorist Hannah Arendt” took him to Jerusalem, from where he returned with a unique and lively documentary radio programme, thus adding a valuable contribution to the debate on Arendt and her book Eichmann in Jerusalem. The programme was first broadcast on 23 November 2003, with a repeat on 28 August 2004; it can be listened to at Having taught philosophy in London for nearly thirty years, Jonathan Rée became a househusband and freelance writer at the turn of the millenium. His books include Proletarian Philosophers, Philosophical Tales, Heidegger, and I See a Voice. For the last ten years he has been working on a history of philosophy. We are grateful to Jonathan Rée for permission to reproduce his programme.
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