Bibliography 2020
Abdous, Fatemeh; Asadi Amjad, Fazel: David Hare’s Fanshen and Hannah Arendt’s Political Views on Action and Public and Private Realms, in: Journal of Language, Literature and Culture, Volume 67, Number 1, 2020, pp. 61-75.
Aguado Garzón, Teresa: El pensamiento, una actividad solitaria en Hannah Arendt. In: Politeja, 16, 2020, 3(60), pp. 23-35.
Aguiar, Odilio Alves: Injustiça e banalidade do mal em Hannah Arendt. Em: Pensando - Revista de Filosofia 11, 2020.
Amarís Duarte, Olga: La mística del exilio en la obra de Hannah Arendt y de María Zambrano, München: LMU 2020.
Andrade de Campos, João Pedro: Arendt e as revoluções: a república à luz do conceito de liberdade política. Em: Princípios: Revista de Filosofia Natal, v. 27, n. 52, jan.-abr. 2020, p. 237-263.)
Antonini, David R.: Rethinking Judgment and Opinion as Political Speech in Hannah Arendt's Political Thought, in: The Pluralist, Volume 15, Number 2, Summer 2020, pp. 25-44.
Arese, Laura: Judaísmo, filosofía e historia. Acerca de la lectura arendtiana de Lessing, Mendelssohn y Herder en los tempranos años 30, en: Res Publica. Revista de Historia de las Ideas Políticas, 23, 2020, 2, pp. 217-229.
Ariss, Iloe: Friendship and Metaphor. Thinking and Writing in Hannah Arendt’s Denktagebuch and Letters Pages, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 129-151.
Backman, Jussi: Politics of the Idea: (Anti-)Platonic Politics in Arendt and Badiou, in: Comparative and Continental Philosophy, Volume 12, Number 3, 2020, pp. 168-181.
Baena, Victoria: Labor, Thought, and the Work of Authorship: Virginia Woolf and Hannah Arendt, in: Diacritics, Volume 48, Number 1, 2020, pp. 82-105.
Ballesteros, Alfonso: Freedom and Law: Hannah Arendt's Unsolved Puzzle? In: Archiv fuer Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, 106, 2020, 1, pp. 19-28.
Ballesteros, Alfonso: Mal y perdón en Hannah Arendt: un itinerario. En: Persona y Derecho 2020, 80, p. 107-122.
Baratella, Nils: Ethik und Methodik Hannah Arendts : Neue Veröffentlichungen zu einer gegenwärtigen Klassikerin: Neue Veröffentlichungen zu einer gegenwärtigen Klassikerin. In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 68, 2020, 1, S. 139-149.
Belcher, Oliver and Jeremy J. Schmidt: Being earthbound: Arendt, process and alienation in the Anthropocene, in: Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, vol. 39, 2020, 1: pp. 103-120.
Ben-Naftali, Michal: The Visitation of Hannah Arendt (Perspectives on Jewish Texts and Contexts, Band 13), De Gruyter, 2020.
Boleij, Ellen: Een draad in het weefsel: Overheidsbeleid maken met Hannah Arendt, ISVW Uitgevers 2020.
Boll, Monika / Dorlis Blume, et al.: Hannah Arendt und das 20. Jahrhundert, München: Piper, 2020.
Busk, Larry Alan: Democracy in Spite of the Demos: From Arendt to the Frankfurt School (Reinventing Critical Theory), Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2020.
Cain, Alex: Arendt’s Contradictions. Eichmann in Jerusalem in the Perspective of Arendt’s Practice of Socratic Dialogue, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 107-127.
Cain, Alex: The Metaphysical Spectator and the Sphere of Social Life in Kant’s Political Writings, Critical Horizons, 21:2, 2020, 153-166. DOI:
Cain, Alex: The problem of history in Patočka on the basis of an appropriation of Arendt’s anthropology, Philosophy Today, 64:1, 2020.
Čelutka, Simas: The Moral Grounds of Arendt’s Conception of Politics. In: Problemos, 97, 2020, pp. 75-86.
Conroy, James: Caught in the Middle: Arendt, Childhood and Responsibility, in: Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 54, Number 1, 2020, pp. 23-42.
D'Agnese, Vasco: Action, Freedom, and Education: Refugees and a “New Beginning”, in: Educational Theory, Volume 70, Number 4, 2020, pp. 421-444.
Dahlbeck; Korsgaard: Introduction: the role of the exemplar in Arendt and Spinoza: insights for moral exemplarism and moral education, in: Ethics and Education, Volume 15, Number 2, 2020, pp. 135-143.
Davies, Katherine: The Architecture of Appearance. Arendt’s Feminism and Guatemala’s Private City, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 53-82.
De Caroli: Arendt's Krisis, in: Ethics and Education, Volume 15, Number 2, 2020, pp. 173-185.
De Oliveira, José Luiz: O papel da “Ralé” [Mob] na perspectiva arendtiana, em: Cadernos Arendt, v. 1, n. 1 (2020), 44-53.
De Souza, Ricardo Timm: Linguagens da morte: revisitando a linguagem totalitária com Arendt e Klemperer. Em: Veritas (Porto Alegre), 2020.
Dew, Rebecca: Hannah Arendt: Between Ideologies, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.
Dewey, Frederick: From an apparent contradiction in Arendt to a working group method, in: Oeftering, Tonio; Waltraud Meints-Stender; Dirk Lange (Hsg.): Hannah Arendt. Lektüren zur politischen Bildung, Wiesbaden 2020, 147-163.
Di Pego Anabella: El camino hacia el "final del humanismo". Crítica de la Ilustración y del Romanticismo en Hannah Arendt, em: Cadernos Arendt, v. 1, n. 1 (2020), 11-30.
Dunn, Nicholas: Plurality and the potential for agreement: Arendt, Kant, and the “way of thinking” of the world citizen. In: Constellations, 2020, 27, pp. 244–257.
Eccel, Daiane: Crise na Educação, de Hannah Arendt: continuidade e ruptura com as as teorias pedagógicas dos séculos dezoito e dezenove. em: Cadernos Arendt, v. 1, n. 1 (2020), 54-69.
Faradj, Hisseine: Qutb’s hakimiyyah through the lens of Arendtian authority, in: Middle Eastern Studies, Volume 57, Number 2, 2020, pp. 372-390.
Forestal, Jennifer: Constructing Digital Democracies: Facebook, Arendt, and the Politics of Design. In: Political Studies, 2020: pp. 26-44.
García Labrador, Julián: Tipología o hermenéutica ¿Tensión fenomenológica en las dos fases de juicio arendtiano? En: Revista de Filosofia Aurora, 32, 2020, 55.
Gardiner, Rita A.; Fulfer, Katy: Virus interruptus: An Arendtian exploration of political world‐building in pandemic times, in: Gender, Work and Organization, Volume 28, Supplement 1, 2021, pp. 151-162.
Gratton, Peter / Yasemin Sari: The Bloomsbury Companion to Arendt, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
Haddad, Samir: More than a Mother Tongue: Derrida, Arendt, Cassin, in: Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 41.2 (2020): 469-487.
Haines, Brigid: Humanity in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt and Herta Müller, in: German Life and Letters 73:1 January 2020, 143-160.
Heller, Agnes; Roberts, David; Beilharz, Peter: On thinking: Open letter to Hannah Arendt. In: Thesis Eleven (2020).
Heuer, Wolfgang: Jenseits der akademischen und intellektuellen Welten. Arendts Standort, in: Oeftering, Tonio; Waltraud Meints-Stender; Dirk Lange (Hsg.): Hannah Arendt. Lektüren zur politischen Bildung, Wiesbaden 2020, 105-123.
Jissov: Atavistic Novelty: Questioning Hannah Arendt’s Understanding of Totalitarianism, in: The European Legacy, Volume 25, Number 1, 2020, pp. 38-61.
Juchler, Ingo: Politische Urteilsbildung – Hannah Arendts Überlegungen als archimedischer Punkt für die Politikdidaktik, in: Oeftering, Tonio; Waltraud Meints-Stender; Dirk Lange (Hsg.): Hannah Arendt. Lektüren zur politischen Bildung, Wiesbaden 2020, 41-58.
Kaufman, Peter Iver: On Agamben, Arendt, Christianity, and the Dark Arts of Civilization, 2020.
King, Richard H.: Margaret Canovan and Hannah Arendt, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 17-30.
Kohn, Jerome: Hannah Arendt: as aparências do estranhamento, em: Cadernos Arendt, v. 1, n. 1 (2020), 70-83.
Korsgaard: Visiting exemplars. An Arendtian exploration of educational judgement, in: Ethics and Education, Volume 15, Number 2, 2020, pp. 247-259.
Kripp, Jacob: Arendt and Glissant on the politics of beginning, in: Constellations, 2020, 27: 509–523.
Laffin, Michael: The Conscience and Political Agency in Martin Luther and Hannah Arendt, in: Political Theology, Volume 21, Number 8, 2020, pp. 705-722.
Larios, Joe: Arendt, Levinas, and the Justification of Violence, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 177-202.
Lederman: Parting Ways Too Soon: Arendt contra Butler on Zionism, in: The European Legacy, Volume 25, Number 3, 2020, pp. 248-265.
Lee, Shinkyu: The real promise of federalism: A case study of Arendt’s international thought, in: European Journal of Political Theory, 2020.
Lee, Shinkyu: The lex of the Earth? Arendt’s critique of Roman law, in: Journal of International Political Theory, 2020.
LeSure, Ainsley: The White Mob. In Equality Before the Law, and Racial Common Sense: A Critical Race Reading of the Negro Question in “Reflections on Little Rock”. In: Political Theory (2020).
Linfield, Susie: Lions' Den: Zionism and the Left from Hannah Arendt to Noam Chomsky, Yale University Press, 2020.
Lösch, Bettina: Zum Begriff des Politischen in der politischen Bildung – Grundelemente deliberativer Politik im Werk von Hannah Arendt, in: Oeftering, Tonio; Waltraud Meints-Stender; Dirk Lange (Hsg.): Hannah Arendt. Lektüren zur politischen Bildung, Wiesbaden 2020, 73-92.
Loidolt, Sophie: Phenomenology of Plurality: Hannah Arendt on Political Intersubjectivity, Routledge 2020.
Loidolt, Sophie Sinnräume: Ein phänomenologisches Analyseinstrument, am Beispiel von Hannah Arendts Vita activa. In: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, 68, 2020, 2, S. 167-188.
Mahrdt, Helgard: Neoliberaler Wandel, Autorität, Freiheit und Erziehung, in: Oeftering, Tonio; Waltraud Meints-Stender; Dirk Lange (Hsg.): Hannah Arendt. Lektüren zur politischen Bildung, Wiesbaden 2020, 125-145.
Maslin, Kimberly: The Experiential Ontology of Hannah Arendt, Lexington Books, 2020.
Meints-Stender, Waltraud (et al.): Politische Bildung als Bildung politischer Urteilskraft: Arendts Perspektive, in: Oeftering, Tonio; Waltraud Meints-Stender; Dirk Lange (Hsg.): Hannah Arendt. Lektüren zur politischen Bildung, Wiesbaden 2020, 31-40.
Muñoz, María Teresa: Hannah Arendt. Nuevas sendas para la política, Ciudad de México, 2020.
Nascimento, Carlos Eduardo Gomes: Fake news, mentira organizada e educacão: uma reflexão a partir do pensamento de Hannah Arendt. Em: Revista Docência e Cibercultura, v. 4, n. 1, 2020.
Nieves-Loja, Gerardo Miguel: El existencialismo de Sartre, origenes y contextos: Una lectura a partir de Hannah Arendt. En: Aufklärung: journal of philosophy, 7, 2020, Especial, pp. 127-136.
Nixon, Jon: Hannah Arendt: The Promise of Education, Springer, 2020.
Nordmann, Ingeborg: Das Miteinander Sprechen und Handeln, in: Oeftering, Tonio; Waltraud Meints-Stender; Dirk Lange (Hsg.): Hannah Arendt. Lektüren zur politischen Bildung, Wiesbaden 2020, 93-103.
Oeftering, Tonio: „Wo das Sprechen aufhört, hört Politik auf“ (Hannah Arendt) – Politische Bildung im Modus des Politischen, in: Oeftering, Tonio; Waltraud Meints-Stender; Dirk Lange (Hsg.): Hannah Arendt. Lektüren zur politischen Bildung, Wiesbaden 2020, 59-72.
O'Gorman, Ned: Politics for Everybody: Reading Hannah Arendt in Uncertain Times, University of Chicago Press, 2020.
Papastephanou, Marianna: Hannah Arendt, Karl Jaspers, and World Citizenship Rethought , in: New German Critique (2020) 47 (2 (140)): 21–44.
Paz, Ayala: In the shadow of dark times: Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem and the problem of thinking in modern era, in: Holocaust Studies, Volume 26, Number 3, 2020, pp. 354-380.
Peys, Christopher: Reconsidering Cosmopolitanism and Forgiveness: Arendt, Derrida, and "care for the World, ROWMAN & LITTLEFIELD INTL, 2020.
Piccolo, Samuel: Coming into the Country. An Arendtian Analysis of Nationalism and Narrative, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 153-175.
Pinhel Ribeiro, Karla: Violência e Poder em Hannah Arendt, em: Cadernos Arendt, v. 1, n. 1 (2020), 1-10.
Pommier, Eric: La confianza pública en Arendt, Veritas n°47, pp.59-80, 2020.
Robitzsch, J.M.: 'I wrote it in part because of you': Broch and Arendt on human rights, in: History of political thought, Vol. 41, no. 1, 2020, pp. 175-190.
Ross, Collin, William Muth: Plurality, Narratives, and Politics: What Hannah Arendt can Offer Critical Literacy Theory, in: The International Journal of Critical Pedagogy, 11/1, 2020, 155-173.
Royer, Christof: Evil as an expression of and a threat to human plurality: Hannah Arendt’s agonistic realism, in: Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, Volume 21, Number 3, 2020.
Rozemond, Klaas: Het menselijke kwaad: Hannah Arendt, Adolf Eichmann en het oordelen over het kwaad, Boom, 2020.
Schaap, Andrew: Inequality, Loneliness, and Political Appearance: Picturing Radical Democracy with Hannah Arendt and Jacques Rancière, in: Political Theory, 2020, 1-26.
Schoonheim, Liesbeth: The ‘rightful place in man's enduring chronicle’: Arendt's Benjaminian historiography, in: History of European Ideas, Volume 46, Number 6, 2020, pp. 844-861.
Schoonheim, Liesbeth: Verzet en rechten: Een vergelijking van Arendt, Foucault, en Young, in: Algemeen Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Wijsbegeerte, Volume 112, Number 2, 2020, pp. 155-175.
Shklar, Judith N.: Über Hannah Arendt (Fröhliche Wissenschaft), hg. von Hannes Bajohr, Berlin: Matthes & Seitz, 2020.
Stanley, Timothy: Applying Arendt’s Vita Activa to Religion, in: Politics, Religion & Ideology, Volume 22, 2020.
Swillens, Viktor; Vlieghe, Joris: Finding Soil in an Age of Climate Trouble: Designing a New Compass for Education with Arendt and Latour, in: Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 54, Number 4, 2020, pp. 1019-1031.
Topolski: Nation-States, the Race-Religion Constellation, and Diasporic Political Communities: Hannah Arendt, Judith Butler, and Paul Gilroy, in: The European Legacy, Volume 25, Number 3, 2020, pp. 266-281.
Yazıcıoğlu: Postponed care: a historical critique of care from the existentialist perspectives of Heidegger and Arendt, in: International Journal of Philosophy and Theology, Volume 81, Number 3, 2020, pp. 292-309.
Veck Wayne / Helen M. Gunter: Hannah Arendt on Educational Thinking and Practice in Dark Times: Education for a World in Crisis, Bloomsbury Academic, 2020.
Verovšek, Peter J.: Integration after totalitarianism: Arendt and Habermas on the postwar imperatives of memory. In: Journal of International Political Theory 16, 2020, 1, pp. 2-24.
Vogler, Gisli: Enriching Responsiveness to Complicity through a Disposition towards World-in-Formation, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 83-105.
Wayne, Hannah; Veck and Helen M Gunter: Arendt on educational thinking and practice in dark times: education for a world in crisis, London 2020.
Wedin, Tomas; Wilén, Carl: Ancient equality against modern democracy: resources of critique in Hannah Arendt and Ellen Meiksins Wood, in: Distinktion: Scandinavian Journal of Social Theory, Volume 21, Number 1, 2020, pp. 19-45.
Weissberg, Liliane: Hannah Arendt besucht Karl Jaspers. In: Zeitschrift für Religions- und Geistesgeschichte, 72, 2020, 2, S. 178-197.
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Zaharijevic, Adriana: Social ontology: Butler via Arendt via Loidolt. In: Filozofija i drustvo, 31, 2020, 2, pp. 155-161,
Zebadúa-Yáñez, Verónica: ‘But I am a rebel after all!’ The Politics of Marginality in Hannah Arendt’s Life of Rahel, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 33-52.
Zebadúa-Yáñez, Verónica: ‘But I am a rebel after all!’ The Politics of Marginality in Hannah Arendt’s Life of Rahel, in: Arendt Studies 4, 2020, 33-52.
Zembylas, Michalinos: Hannah Arendt’s political thinking on emotions and education: implications for democratic education, in: Discourse, Volume 41, Number 4, 2020, pp. 501-515.