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Ausgabe 1, Band 13 – Dezember 2023




Ian Rhoad, Here and Elsewhere: Phenomenological Reflections on the Time and Space of Mass Protests

Liesbeth Schoonheim, Posters against the Patriarchy: Violence across the Public/Private Binary in Brussels

Marlon Barbehön, Die Mikrophysik politischen Protests. Über die Zeit- und Räumlichkeit widerständigen Handelns

Gabriele Parrino, Arendtian Sardines. A failed attempt at participatory democracy

Alex Cain, 'The Wheel is Crooked': Hannah Arendt on action, success and public happiness

Zanan Akin, The question of plurality and universal affirmation: A dialogue of thought between Arendt and Badiou

Thomas Bragdon, Can foreigners offer civil resistance to the authorities of the host country? A critical reevaluation of “civil resistance” in the fields of civil resistance studies and Hannah Arendt studies


Barbara von Bechtolsheim: Hannah Arendt und Heinrich Blücher. Biografie eines Paares. Berlin: Insel Verlag 2023, 311 S., 25,00 EUR (Ringo Rösener)

Zohar Mihaely, Hannah Arendt and the Crisis of Israeli Democracy, Eugene: Pickwick Publications, 2022, 84+xiv S., EUR 20,33. (Zoé Grange-Marczak)

Alexander Gantschow / Christian Meyer-Heidemann (Hg.), Bürgerbildung und Freiheitsordnung. Politische Bildung als republikorientierte Praxis, Frankfurt/M.: WOCHENSCHAU Verlag 2023, 204 S., 27,90 EUR (Clara Wanning)

Ludger Hagedorn / Rafael Zawisza, Faith in the World. Post-Secular Readings of Hannah Arendt, Chicago University Press/Campus Verlag 2021, 251 p., 34,95 EUR. (An Dufraing)

Lea Mara Eßer, Vom Schweigen des Guten. Hannah Arendts Theorie der Menschlichkeit, Transcript 2023, 330 S., 60,00 EUR (Evelyn Höfer)

Bruno Heidlberger: Mit Hannah Arendt Freiheit neu denken. Gefahren der Selbstzerstörung von Demokratien, Transcript 2023, 282 S., 31,99 EUR (Martin Baesler)

Eva von Redecker, Bleibefreiheit, S. Fischer Verlag, 2023. 160 S., 22,00 EUR (Gabriel Jira)

Research Notes

Ursula Ludz, Hannah Arendt's Trains of Thought 1951 to 1955. A memorandum on the occasion of the publication of “The Modern Challenge to Tradition: Fragments of a Book” as volume 6 of Hannah Arendt, “Complete Works”

Cosima Mattner, Was Susan Sontag a feminist?


Report on the 16th Annual Meeting of the Hannah Arendt Circle (Katherine Brichacek, Magnus Ferguson)

Report on the Conference The Politics of Beginnings: Hannah Arendt Today (Anna Argirò)

Conference Report –Judgment, Pluralism, and Democracy: On the Desirability of Speaking with Others (Nicholas Dunn, Julia Kiernan)