Bibliography 2024


Chakravarti, Sonali: Understanding Eichmann and Anwar: Reenactment and the Psychic Lives of Perpetrators.In: Stefan Eich et al. (eds.), Another Universalism: Seyla Benhabib and the Future of Critical Theory. Columbia University Press, 2024, S. 128–148. 


Greer, Erin Elizabeth: Public Conversation and Judgement. Rushdie and Arendt, in: Fiction, Philosophy and the Ideal of Conversation, 2024, pp. 121–161. 


Demiryol, Gaye İlhan: Arendt and Truth. In: Stefan Eich et al. (eds.), Another Universalism: Seyla Benhabib and the Future of Critical Theory. Columbia University Press, 2024, S. 108–127. 


Jurečič, Ann: Rereading Hannah Arendt’s Eichmann in Jerusalem, in: Changing Minds: Women and the Political Essay, 1960-2001, 2023, S. 47–70. 


Markell, Patchen: ‘Thinking With and Against’ as Feminist Political Theory. In: Stefan Eich et al. (eds.), Another Universalism: Seyla Benhabib and the Future of Critical Theory. Columbia University Press, 2024, S. 97–107. 


Nixon, Jon.: Hannah Arendt and Heinrich Blücher: Learning Together. In: David Scott (ed.), On Learning, Volume 2: Philosophy, Concepts and Practices. UCL Press, 2024, S. 171–186. 


Siegel, Tedd: Arendt and Marx on Modern Wage Labor. In: ibid., Signs of the Great Refusal. The Coming Struggle for a Postwork Society. Punctum Books, 2023, S. 201–218. 

Siegel, Tedd. Arendt and Marx on Labor and Emancipation.n: ibid., Signs of the Great Refusal. The Coming Struggle for a Postwork Society. Punctum Books, 2023, S. 219–234. 


Umachandran, Mathura: Niobe between Benjamin and Arendt—and Beyond. In: Mario Telò & Andrew Benjamin (eds.), Niobes: Antiquity, Modernity, Critical Theory. Ohio State University Press, 2024, pp. 195–207. 


Vowinckel, Anette: Hannah Arendts Theorie und Geschichte des Antisemitismus. In: Peter Ullrich, Sina Arnold, Anna Danilina, Klaus Holz, Uffa Jensen, Ingolf Seidel, Jan Weyand (eds.), Was ist Antisemitismus? Begriffe und Definitionen von Judenfeindschaft. Wallstein, Göttingen, 2024, S. 135-138. 


Weber, Jean-Marie: Zur Krise Der Übernahme von Verantwortung. Sind der Arendtsche Ungehorsam und das Lacanianische Begehren die zwei Seiten einer Medaille?. In: David Zimmermann et al. (eds.), Soziale Krisen und Ihre Auswirkungen auf Familien. Pädagogische Professionalität und Organisationen. Verlag Barbara Budrich, 2023, S. 221–236.