Bibliography 2014


Aharony, Michal: Hannah Arendt and the Limits of Total Domination. The Holocaust, Plurality, and Resistance, Routledge 2014.

Arnold, Jeremy: Arendt's Jeremiad: Reading On Revolution in a Time of Decline, in: The Review of Politics, 76/03, Summer 2014, pp. 361 – 387.

Ashenden, Samantha: On violence in Habermas’s philosophy of language, in: European Journal of Political Theory, October 2014; vol. 13, 4: pp. 427-452.


Baehr, Peter: The informers: Hannah Arendt's appraisal of Whittaker Chambers and the ex-Communists, in: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Volume 1, Issue 1, January 2014, pp. 35-66.

Baer, Ulrich; Eshel, Amir (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen 2014.

Baluch, Falsal: Arendt's Machiavellian Moment. In: European Journal of Political Theory 2014, 13 (2):154-177.

Balzer, Tanja: Der Begriff des Bösen bei Hannah Arendt, Weimar 2014.

Berkowitz, Roger: Instituting freedom: Steve Buckler and Hannah Arendt on an Engaged Political Theory, in: European Journal of Political Theory, July, 2014, 13: 372-377. (Symposium on Steve Buckler, Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition).

Bimbi, Bruno: Hannah Arendt y el matrimonio igualitario. La lucha por los derechos LGBT en Argentina, en: Nueva sociedad, Nº. 251, 2014, págs. 113-126.

Birmingham, Peg: Hannah Arendt's Philosophy of Law Approach to International Criminal Law. In: International Criminal Law Review14.4-5 (2014): 695-716.

Biser, Ashley N.: Calibrating Our "Inner Compass": Arendt on Thinking and the Dangers of Disorientation. In: Political Theory. (forthcoming 2914).

Blanco Ilari, Juan Ignacio: Comprensión y reconciliación: algunas reflexiones en torno a Hannah Arendt, en: Contrastes: revista internacional de filosofía, Vol. 19, Nº 2, 2014, págs. 319-338.

Bowring, Finn: Arendt after Marx: Rethinking the Dualism of Nature and World, in: Rethinking Marxism, Volume 26, Number 2, 3 April 2014, pp. 278-290.

Braese, Stephan: Hannah Arendt und die deutsche Sprache, in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014, S. 29-43.

Brea, Gerson: Liebe oder Verzeihen? Fluchtpunkte des Politischen, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 157-164.

Brunkhorst, Hauke: Revolutionary constitutions: Arendt's inversions of Heidegger, in: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Volume 1, Issue 3, July 2014, pp. 283-298.

Burke Griffiths, David: Thinking and Judging, Home and Exile: Jaspers, Heidegger, Arendt and their circles, 1883-1976, Independent Publishing Platform, 2014.

Butler, Judith; SU, Pei: Hannah Arendt's Death Sentences. In: Wenxue yu wenhua 2014, 2.


Camp, Nathan Van: Enhancing the natal condition: Hannah Arendt and the question of biotechnology. In: Symposium 18.2 (Oct 2014): 171-189.

Cane, Lucy: Hannah Arendt on the principles of political action, in: European Journal of Political Theory, published first online February, 2014.

CHEN, Fangfang: Amor Mundi: Arendt's Arguments on the Relationship Between Love and the World. In: Neimenggu daxue xuebao (Zhexue shehui kexue ban) 2014, 6.

CHEN, Fangfang: Understanding Auschwitz: On the Controversy between Voegelin and Arendt. In: Beijing huagong daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2014, 3.

Cordero, Rodrigo: It happens ‘in-between’: on the spatial birth of politics in Arendt's On Revolution, in: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Volume 1, Issue 3, July 2014, pp. 249-265.

Correia, Adriano: Hannah Arendt e a modernidade: politica, economia e a disputa por una fronteira, Río de Janeiro, Forense Universitaria, 2014.

Crotti, Ornella: Ágnes Heller and the secret of goodness, in: Thesis Eleven, December 2014, vol. 125, no. 1, pp. 124-131.

Curthoys, Ned: Jewish Memory and the Cosmopolitan Order: Hannah Arendt and the Jewish condition, in: Journal of Modern Jewish Studies, Volume 13, Number 3, 2 September 2014, pp. 463-465.

Curtis Adler, Anthony: Fractured Life and the Ambiguity of Historical Time: Biopolitics in Agamben and Arendt, in: Cultural Critique, Number 86, Winter 2014, pp. 1-30.


Deciu Ritivoi, Andreea: Intimate Strangers: Arendt, Marcuse, Solzhenitsyn, and Said in American Political Discourse, Columbia University Press, 2014.

Disch, Lisa: Theory, practice, and “voice”: On Steve Buckler’s Hannah Arendt and Political Theory. European Journal of Political Theory, July 2014, 13: 362-365. (Symposium on Steve Buckler, Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition)


Epstein, Alek D.: Judging the Trial: Hannah Arendt as a Moral Philosopher of Nation-State Building, in: The European Legacy, Volume 19, Number 7, 10 November 2014, pp. 901-905.

Eshel, Amir: Hannah Arendts Politik und Poetik der Einfügung, in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014, S. 151-182.


Fine, Robert: The evolution of the modern revolutionary tradition: a phenomenological reading of Hannah Arendt's On Revolution, in: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Volume 1, Issue 3, July 2014, pp. 216-233.


GAO, Di: On Arendt's View of Marx's Political Philosophy. In: Xi'an jianshe keji daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2014, 1.

Gatta, Giunia: Visiting or house-swapping? Arendt and Jaspers on empathy, enlarged mentality and the space between, in: Philosophy & Social Criticism, December 2014, vol. 40, 10, pp. 997-1017.

Gebhardt, Mareike: Versprechen, Vergessen, Vereinsamen – Hannah Arendt und Friedrich Nietzsche als Denker politischer Zeitlichkeit, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 196-226.

Gines, Kathryn T.: Hannah Arendt and the Negro Question, Indiana University Press 2014.

Goultschin, Moshe: We who stand to differ: Hannah Arendt on maintaining otherness , in: Atlantic Studies: Literary, Cultural and Historical perspectives on Europe, Volume 11, Number 2, 3 April 2014, pp. 277-299.

Gündoğdu, Ayten: Statelessness and the Right to Have Rights. In: Hannah Arendt: Key Concepts, ed. Patrick Hayden, Acumen Publishing, 2014.

Gündoğdu, Ayten: “Perplexities of the Rights of Man”: Arendt on the Aporias of Human Rights, in: Anna Yeatman, & Peg Birmingham (eds): The Aporia of Rights, Bloomsbury Academic 2014, pp. 13–36.

Gunter, Helen M: Educational leadership and Hannah Arendt, London 2014.


Habjan, J., Whyte, J. (Eds.): The Republican and the Communist: Arendt Reading Marx (Reading Arendt), in: Barbour, Charles (ed.): (Mis)readings of Marx in Continental Philosophy, Palgrave 2014, pp. 51-66.

Hahn, Barbara: "Gemeinsam unterwegs zur Sprache? Hannah Arendt und Martin Heidegger über Dichtung und Denken", in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014, S. 137-150.

Hayden, Patrick (ed.): Hannah Arendt: Key Concepts, Acumen Publishing 2014.

Heider, Placidus Bernhard: Auf der Suche nach der unendlichen Zeit – Von Hannah Arendt zu Augustinus, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 165-174.

Herb, Karlfriedrich: Die republikanische Klaustrophobie. Poltitscher Raum bei Hannah Arendt, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 27-37.

Hiruta, Kei: The Meaning and Value of Freedom: Berlin contra Arendt, in: The European Legacy, Volume 19, Number 7, 10 November 2014, pp. 854-868.

Hoye, J. Matthew / Benjamin Nienass: Authority without Foundations: Arendt and the Paradox of Postwar German Memory Politics, in: The Review of Politics, 76/03, Summer 2014, pp. 415 – 437.

Hyvönen, Ari-Elmeri: Tentative Lessons of Experience: Arendt, Essayism, and “The Social” Reconsidered, in: Political Theory, 2014; 42 (5), 569-589.


Ivanovic, Christine: Illumination durch Entsetzen: Hannah Arendt liest Joseph Conrads „Heart of Darkness“, in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014, S. 102-136.

Ivanovic, Christine: Weltgeschichte und Weltliteratur. Hannah Arendts „Welt“-Konzept im Kontext ihrer literarischen Analysen, in: Christian Moser / Linda Simonis (Hg.): Figuren des Globalen. Weltbezug und Welterzeugung in Literatur, Kunst und Medien, Göttingen 2014, S. 341-352.


Jackson, Michael: The Politics of Storytelling: Variations on a Theme by Hannah Arendt. Museum Tusculanum Press 2014.

JIN, Shoutie: From Historically Liquidation, General Communication to World Citizen - The Dialogue between Jaspers and Arendt. In: Jiangsu shehui kexue 2014, 6.

Johnson, Patricia Altenbernd: Arendt Üzerine, Sentez Yayincilik 2014.


Kattago, Siobhan: Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition, in: History of Political Thought 35.2 (Jul 2014): 393-396.

Keedus, Liisi: Thinking beyond Philosophy: Hannah Arendt and the Weimar Hermeneutic Connections, in: Trames. Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences Vol. 18; 2014, no. 4; pp. 307-325.

Klebes, Martin: Lectora activa oder Vom tätigen Leben, in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014, S. 44-62.

Klein, Steven: “Fit to Enter the World”: Hannah Arendt on Politics, Economics, and the Welfare State, in: American Political Science Review, volume 108, issue 04, November 2014, pp. 856 – 869.

Klusmeyer, Douglas B: Law, Narrative and Politics in a Jewish Key: Hannah Arendt and Robert M Cover in Comparative Perspective , in: Law and Humanities, Volume 8, Number 2, November 2014, pp. 217-246.

Knott, Marie Luise: Unlearning with Hannah Arendt, Other Press 2014.

Kohn, Carlos, Rodolfo Rico e.a.: Hannah Arendt. De la teoría a la Política, Equinoccio 2014.


Lafay, Marilyn: Hannah Arendt and the Specter of Totalitarianism: (Critical Political Theory and Radical Practice), Palgrave 2014.

LaMothe, Ryan: Winnicott and Arendt: Bridging Potential and Political Spaces. The Psychoanalytic Review: Vol. 101, 2014, No. 2, pp. 289-318.

Lang, Johannes: Against obedience: Hannah Arendt’s overlooked challenge to social-psychological explanations of mass atrocity, in: Theory & Psychology, October 2014; vol. 24, 5: pp. 649-667.

Lasaga Medina, José: Vigencia de Hannah Arendt, en: Revista de Occidente, Nº 400, 2014, págs. 44-63.

Lederman, Shmuel: Agonism and Deliberation in Arendt, in: Constellations 21.3 (Sep 2014): 327-337.

Lefebve, Vincent: Politique des limites, limites de la politiques. La place du droit dans la pensée de Hannah Arendt » (discours de soutenance publique de doctorat à la Faculté de droit et de criminologie de l’ULB), en: Revue de droit de l’ULB, 2014, vol. 41, n° 1, pp. 9-17.

LI, Chao: On the Ideology of Hannah Arendt and The Origins of Totalitarianism. In: Journal of Baoji University of Arts and Science (Social Science Edition), 2014, Issue 3, pp. 24-27.

Liska, Vivian: Gesetzlose Erbschaft. Hannah Arendt und Giorgio Agamben, in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014, S. 183-195.

LIU, Yanxin; CHEN, Ting: Ways of "Action" of Teachers Professional Development :Based on Hannah Arendt's Action Theory. In: Jiaoyu xueshu yuekan 2014, 7.

LIU, Yanxin; LIU, Jinyuan: Professional Development of Teachers "Action" Way Forward - Based on Hannah Arendt's Action Theory. In: Hunan shifan daxue jiaoyu kexue xuebao 2014, 5.

Luban, David; LI, Bin: Hannah Arendt as a Theorist of International Criminal Law. In: Xingfa luncong 2014, 1.

Lupton, Julia Reinhard: Judging Forgiveness: Hannah Arendt, W. H. Auden, and The Winter’s Tale, in: New Literary History, Volume 45, Number 4, Autumn 2014, pp. 641-663.


Magun, Artemy: Karl Marx and Hannah Arendt on the Jewish Question Political Theology as a Critique, in: Gianni Vattimo & Michael Marder (eds): Deconstructing Zionism, Bloomsbury Academic 2014, pp. 75–98.

Maier, Tobias: Zur Frage „Was ist Politik?“ – Heideggers Erbe bei Arendt und Lefort, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 38-66.

Markell, Patchen: Arendt, aesthetics, and “The Crisis in Culture”, in: Nikolas Kompridis (ed): The Aesthetic Turn in Political Thought, Bloomsbury Academic 2014, pp. 61–88.

Maxwell, Lida: Public Trials: Burke, Zola, Arendt, and the Politics of Lost Causes, Oxford University Press, 2014.

McCarthy, Michael H.: The Political Humanism of Hannah Arendt, Lexington Books, Reprint 2014.

Medeiros Fontes, Maria Rita: Mentira e política: uma abordagem sobre o engano e o autoengano: Percorrendo os caminhos apontados por Hannah Arendt, Novas Edições Acadêmicas, 2014 .

Meinefeld, Ole: Von der Zeitlichkeit zum öffentlichen Raum – Politik als „Sorge um die Welt“, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 107-134.

Menga, Ferdinando G.: The Seduction of Radical Democracy. Deconstructing Hannah Arendt's Political Discourse, in: Constellations, Volume 21, Number 3, 1 September 2014, pp. 313-326.

Merino, Imma: Cinema: Arendt i Murmelstein davant Eichmann, in: L' avenç: història dels països catalans, 2014, 397, p. 60-63.

Meyer, Katrin: Dramatisierende Gewalt: Hannah Arendt über Politik und Empörung, in: Martinsen, Franziska; Flügel-Martinsen, Oliver (Hg.): Gewaltbefragungen: Beiträge zur Theorie von Politik und Gewalt, Bielefeld 2014, S. 17-32.

Midskard, J.; Berding, Joop: A conceptualisation of interprofessional work inspired by Hannah Arendt’s line of thinking. Journal of Social Intervention, 23, 2, 2014, pp. 38-51.

Mihic, Sophia: Hannah Arendt, totalitarianism, and the social sciences, in: Contemporary Political Theory, Volume 13, Number 4, 10 November 2014, pp. e9-e11.

Minnich, Elizabeth: The evil of banality: Arendt revisited. In: Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, February/April 2014; vol. 13, 1-2: pp. 158-179.

Moreno Sanz, Jesús: Edith Stein en compañía: vidas filosóficas entrecruzadas de María Zambrano, Hannah Arendt y Simone Weil, Madrid 2014.

Morey, Maribel: Reassessing Hannah Arendt’s “Reflections on Little Rock” (1959), in: Law, Culture and the Humanities, Vol. 10, 2014, no. 1; pp. 88-110.

Morgenstern, Kathrin: „Ich will verstehen“ – Geschichtenerzählen im Spannungsfeld von Amor Mundi und Weltverlust, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 135-156.

Moten, Fred: Die äußere Welt (wenn ein Fremder erscheint), in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014, S. 253-269.

Musso, Luisa Giulia: Tra Archein e Prattein. Agire libero e fondazione politica nel pensiero di Hanna Arendt, Vita e Pensiero, 2014.


Näsström, Sofia: The Right to Have Rights: Democratic, Not Political, in: Political Theory, October 2014; vol. 42, 5: pp. 543-568.

Newman, Jeffrey: Hannah Arendt: Radical Evil, Radical Hope, in: European Judaism, Volume 47, Number 1, Spring 2014, pp. 60-71.


PAN, Jiandun; GAO, Jiguo: Research on Hannah Arendt's Review on the Modernity and its Inference. In: Changsha ligong daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2014, 4.

Plonowska Ziarek, Ewa: Right to Vote or Right to Revolt? Arendt and the British Suffrage Militancy, in: difference. A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies,Volume 19, 2008, Number  3, pp. 1-27.

Plot, Martin: The Aesthetico-Political: The Question of Democracy in Merleau-Ponty, Arendt, and Rancière, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2014.


Raimondi, Francesca: Die Zeit der Demokratie: Politische Freiheit nach Carl Schmitt und Hannah Arendt, Paderborn 2014.

Rensmann, Lars: Reading Arendt in Tehran: on extraordinary democratic politics and the failure of revolutions, in: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Volume 1, Issue 3, July 2014, pp. 299-315.

Robaszkiewicz, Maria: Hannah Arendt und die Frage, wie man politisch denken soll, in: Jahrbuch für Didaktik der Philosophie und Ethik, 2014: 53 – 64.

Rößler, Sven: "Die Kühlkette darf nicht unterbrochen werden" - zum Fehlkonzept Politische Bildung, in: Eis, Andreas; Salomon, David (Hg.): Gesellschaftliche Umbrüche gestalten. Transformationen in der Politischen Bildung. Schwalbach/Ts. 2014, S. 91-103.

Rossatti, Gabriel Guedes: Kierkegaard, Hannah Arendt and the Advent of the “Hollow Men” or Towards a Kierkegaardian Reading of Eichmann in Jerusalem. In: Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 19 (1), 2014, pp. 301-328.


Salikov, Alexey: Philosophical Zoo in Kaliningrad (International Conference “Today’s Significance of Hannah Arendt’s Ideas”), in: Russian Sociological Review, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 3, pp. 219–222.

Samnotra, Manu: “Sensitive to Shame”: Hannah Arendt on Becoming Worldly, in: Constellations, Volume 21, Number 3, 1 September 2014, pp. 338-350.

Sauer, Linda Ana: Welt „ohne Geländer“ – Erweiterte Denkungsart und politische Urteilskraft bei Hannah Arendt im Anschluss an Immanuel Kant, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 175-195.

Scherl, Magdalena: Zwischen Abgrenzung und Entgrenzung – Feministische Lesarten des öffentlichen Raums bei Arendt, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 92-106.

Schröter, Esther: Erzählen, (Lebens-)Geschichte und Identität im Werk Hannah Arendts, LIT Verlag, Berlin u.a. 2014.

Schupmann, Benjamin A.: Thoughtlessness and resentment: Determinism and moral responsibility in the case of Adolf Eichmann. In: Philosophy & Social Criticism, February 2014; vol. 40, 2: pp. 127-144.

Schwarz, Elke: @hannah_arendt: An Arendtian Critique of Online Social Networks, in: Millennium - Journal of International Studies, September 2014; vol. 43, 1: pp. 165-186.

Sedmak, Clemens; WU, Tiantian: Hannah Arendt and Philosophy after Auschwitz. In: Jidujiao wenhua xuekan 2014, 1.

Seret, Roberta: Hannah Arendt and crimes against humanity, in: Journal of international criminal justice, Vol. 12, 2014, 1, pp. 3-5.

Shaw, Ian; Akhter, Majed: The Dronification of State Violence, in: Critical Asian Studies, Volume 46, Number 2, 3 April 2014, pp. 211-234.

SHI, Jifeng: Hannah Arendt’s view on the condition of action - the Plurality. In: Journal of Jining University, 2014, Issue 1, pp. 71-74.

SHI, Jifeng; DAI, Xuehong: Newcomer: Hannah Arendt's Views on Children and Its Practical Significance. In: Jiaoyu yu jiaoxue yanjiu 2014, 7.

Siegelberg, Mira L.: The Arendtian mode, in: European Journal of Political Theory, July 2014 13: 378-382. (Symposium on Steve Buckler, Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition).

Sigwart, Hans-Jörg: Hannah Arendt und die Grenzen des Politischen, in: Herb, Karlfriedrich/Morgenstern, Kathrin/Gebhardt, Mareike (Hrsg.): Raum und Zeit. Denkformen des Politischen bei Hannah Arendt, Frankfurt a. M. (Campus) 2014, S. 67-91.

Simmons, William Paul: Arendt, Little Rock and the Cauterization of the Other, in: William Paul Simmons: Human Rights Law and the Marginalized Other, Cambridge University Press, 2011, pp. 19-43.

Straehle, Edgar: Entre Arendt y Zerilli: algunas observaciones sobre el concepto de entre, en: Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 63, 2014, pp. 65-80.

Svampa, María Lucila: Notas sobre la promesa en el pensamiento de Friedrich Nietzsche y Hannah Arendt, en: Tópicos: revista de Filosofía, Nº. 46, 2014, págs. 75-93.


Tamboukou, Maria: Imagining and living the revolution: an Arendtian reading of Rosa Luxemburg’s letters and writings, in: Feminist Review, Volume 106, Number 1, February 2014, pp. 27-42.

Totschnig, Wolfhart: Arendt's argument for the council system: a defense, in: European Journal of Cultural and Political Sociology, Volume 1, Issue 3, July 2014, pp. 266-282.

Trapp, Erin: Arendt, Preference, and the Revolutionary Spectator, in: Cultural Critique, Number 86, Winter 2014, pp. 31-64.


Urabayen, Julia: La autonomía de lo político frente a lo personal y lo social-económico en la obra de Arendt. En: Revista de Filosofía (Madrid) 2014, 39 (1):7-27.


Verovšek, Peter J.: Unexpected Support for European Integration: Memory, Rupture, and Totalitarianism in Arendt's Political Theory, in: The Review of Politics, 76/03, Summer 2014, pp. 389 – 413.

Vicente, José João Neves Barbosa: Arendt e a questão da violência. Em: Synesis 2014, 6 (1):142-148.


Weigel, Sigrid: Per-sonare, poetische Differenz und Selbstübersetzung. Der Sound von Hannah Arendts Denken und Schreiben, in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014,  S. 63-90.

WEI, Meiwei: "The Banality of Evil"in Hannah Arendt's Thought. In: Tianshui xingzheng xueyuan xuebao 2014, 5.

Weisman, Tama: Hannah Arendt and Karl Marx: on totalitarianism and the tradition of western political thought, Lanham 2014.

Weiss, Yfaat: Vergangenes vergegenwärtigen: Über Abwesende, Anwesende und was dazwischen ist, in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014,  S. 196-210.

Wild, Thomas: Gibt es ein Denken, das nicht tyrannisch ist? „Und“: Zu Hannah Arendts politisch-theoretischer Schreibweise, in: Amir Eshel/Ulrich Baer (Hg.): Hannah Arendt zwischen den Disziplinen, Göttingen, 2014, S. 91-101.

Williams, Garrath: Timeliness, relevance, freedom: On Steve Buckler’s reading of Hannah Arendt, in: European Journal of Political Theory, July ,2014, 13: 366-371. (Symposium on Steve Buckler, Hannah Arendt and Political Theory: Challenging the Tradition).

Williams, Garrath: Disclosure and responsibility in Arendt’s The Human Condition, in: European Journal of Political Theory, Published online before print March 7, 2014

Wolfgram, Mark A.: Didactic war crimes trials and external legal culture: the cases of the Nuremberg, Frankfurt Auschwitz, and Majdanek trials in West Germany, in: Global Change, Peace & Security, Volume 26, Number 3, 2 September 2014, pp. 281-297.

WU, Xing-hua: The Decline of Action: Arendt’s Discussion about the Root of Alienation. In: Journal of East China Normal University (Philosophy and Social Sciences), 2014, Issue 1, pp. 47-52+152.


XIE, Honghui: On the Characteristics of Hannah Arendt's View of Citizenship. In: Xueshu jie 2014, 6.


Yampol'skaya, Anna: Speech Act as Event: Derrida, Austin and Arendt, in: Russian Sociological Review, 2014, Vol. 13, No. 2, pp. 9–24.

Yaqoob, Waseem: The Archimedean point: Science and technology in the thought of Hannah Arendt, 1951-63, in: Journal of European Studies, Vol. 44, September 2014, pp. 199-224.

Yildirim, Senem: Arendt's promise to civil society: bridging the social and the political, in: European legacy 19.7 (Nov 2014): 869-882.

YU, Yun: Research on Arendt's Judging. In: Xueshu yuekan 2014, 5.


ZENG, Yan: Not much the same - A comparison of criticism of capitalist ideology between Karl Marx and Arendt. In: Zhongnan daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2014, 5.

Zerilli, Linda M. G.: “We Feel Our Freedom”: Imagination and judgment in the thought of Hannah Arendt, in: The Aesthetic Turn in Political Thought, Nikolas Kompridis (ed): Bloomsbury Academic 2014, pp. 29–60.

Zhang, Lili: Hannah Arendt und das philosophische Denken, Verlag Königshausen & Neumann, 2014.