Bibliography 2011


Ackerman, John Wolfe: Andreas Kalyvas. Democracy and the Politics of the Extraordinary. Max Weber, Carl Schmitt, and Hannah Arendt, Cambridge 2008, 326 pp., in: The Germanic Review, Bd. 86, 2011, 4, pp. 320-325.

Alves Aguiar, Odílio: Natureza, beleza e política segundo Hannah Arendt, em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 179-194.

Assy, Bethania: Hannah Arendt and the jewish Messianic Tradition. Singular Event and testimonial Narrative, in:

Assy, Bethania: Hannah Arendt and the Jewish Messianic Tradition – Singular Event and Testimonial Narrative, in: Trumah, Heft 20: Geschichte denken. Perspektiven von und zu Hannah Arendt, 2011, S. 50-68.

Assy, Bethania: Another time for history: singular events, the entre-temps of hope, and the politics of the defeated, em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 75-95.

Azoulay, Ariella: Outside The Political Philosophy Tradition and Still Inside Tradition: Two Traditions of Political Philosophy. In: Constellations 18, 2011, pp. 91-105.


Baer, Ulrich: Essay - The Less-settled Space. Civil Rights, Hannah Arendt, and Garry Winogrand - How the influential political Philosopher may have misread iconic Images, in: Aperture, 2011, 202, pp. 62-66.

Bajohr, Hannes: Dimensionen der Öffentlichkeit: Politik und Erkenntnis bei Hannah Arendt. Berlin: Lukas, 2011.

Balibar, Étienne: La désobéissance comme condition de la démocratie ou 'le théorème d'Arendt', in: Problèmes politiques et sociaux, 2011, 989, p. 41-45.

Ball, Karyn: Hannah Arendt’s “Comedy”: Antisemitism as Synecdoche in The Origins of Totalitarianism, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, 166-183.

Ball, Monika: Konzeptionen des Judentums zwischen Säkularisierung und Marxismus. Hannah Arendt und Max Horkheimer, in: Weissberg, Liliane (Hg.): Affinität wider Willen? Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno und die Frankfurter Schule, Frankfurt a. M. 2011, S. 103-118.

Banner, Helen: Existential Failure and Success: Augustinianism in Oakeshott and Arendt, in: Intellectual History Review, Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2011, pp. 171-194.

Barbour, Charles: “Never Seek to Tell Thy Love:” Hannah Arendt and the Secret, , in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, 184-196.

Barbour, Charles: The acts of faith: On witnessing in Derrida and Arendt, in: Philosophy Social Criticism, July 2011 ,vol. 37 no. 6, pp. 629-645.

Barder, Alexander D. / Debrix, François: Agonal sovereignty: Rethinking war and politics with Schmitt, Arendt and Foucault, in: Philosophy & Social Criticism, September 2011; vol. 37, 7: pp. 775-793.

Bartolomé Ruiz, Cástor M. M.: Crítica a las tesis naturalistas de la vida humana. Un diálogo con Hannah Arendt, in: Isegoría: Revista de filosofía moral y política, Nº 45, 2011, págs. 609-624.

Baum, Devorah: Bygrave, Stephen; Morton, Stephen: Hannah Arendt 'After Modenlity', in: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, Bd. 71, 2011, 1, pp. 6-14.

Beiner, Ronald: Benjamins Begriff der Geschichte als Quelle von Arendts Idee des Urteilens, in: Weissberg, Liliane (Hg.): Affinität wider Willen? Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno und die Frankfurter Schule. Fritz Bauer Institut, Jahrbuch 2011 zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Frankfurt a. M. 2011, 119-136. 

Benhabib, Seyla: Arendt und Adorno. Die Flüchtigkeit des Partikularen und das Benjaminsche Moment, in: Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie, Bd. 59, 2011, 5, S. 655-678.

Benhabib, Seyla: The Power and Paradox of Revolutions. In: Reset Dialogues on Civilizationa. The web magazine for all the tribes of the world -13 October 2011.

Benhabib, Seyla: Dignity in Adversity: Human Rights in Troubled Times, Cambridge 2011.

Bignotto, Newton: Hannah Arendt e a Revolução Francesa, em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 41-58.

Birmingham, Peg: Arendt and Hobbes: Glory, Sacrificial Violence, and the Political Imagination. In: Research in Phenomenology 41 (1) 2011, pp. 1-22.

Birmingham, Peg: On Action: The Appearance of the Law, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman(eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, pp. 103-116.

Björk, Ulrika & Anders Burman (red.), Konsten att handla - konsten att tänka. Hannah Arendt om det politiska (Stockholm: Axl Books 2011).

Bochicchio, Vincenzo: La "lettera mai scritta" di Heidegger alla Arendt, in: Filosofia Oggi, Vol. 34, Nº. 133-134, 2011, págs. 121-133.

Boll, Monika: Konzeptionen des Judentums zwischen Säkularisierung und Marxismus. Hannah Arendt und Max Horkheimer, in: Weissberg, Liliane (Hg.): Affinität wider Willen? Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno und die Frankfurter Schule. Fritz Bauer Institut, Jahrbuch 2011 zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Frankfurt a. M. 2011, S. 103-118.

Bosoer, Valeria: Secretos, mentiras y juicio ciudadano, en: Iberamericana, Vol. 11, núm. 44 (2011), p. 144-149.

Bowring, Finn: Comparing Bauman and Arendt: Three Important Differences, in: Sociology, February 2011; vol. 45, 1: pp. 54-69.

Bowring, Finn: Hannah Arendt: A Critical Introduction, London 2011.

Breier, Karl-Heinz: Hannah Arendt interkulturell gelesen. Kindle Edition 2011. 

Brennan, Andrew and Jeff Malpas: The Space of Appearance and the Space of Truth, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, pp. 39-52.

Brunet, Graciela Nélida: Theoría, poíesis y praxis en la filosofía política de Vico y Arendt, in: Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política, Nº. 42, 2011, págs. 11-31.

Brunkhorst, Hauke: Die Macht der Verfassung im Werk Hannah Arendts, in: Weissberg, Liliane (Hg.): Affinität wider Willen? Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno und die Frankfurter Schule. Fritz Bauer Institut, Jahrbuch 2011 zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Frankfurt a. M. 2011, S. 15-30.

Buckler, Steve: Ethics and the Vocation of Politics, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, pp. 117-133.

Buckler, Steve: Hannah Arendt and Political Theory. Challenging the Tradition, Edinburgh 2011.

Bueno, Tomás Valladolid: El valor de juzgar de Hannah Arendt. In: Claves de razón práctica, Nº 218, 2011, págs. 52-57

Burch, Robert: Recalling Arendt on Thinking, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, pp. 10-24.

Butler, Judith: Hannah Arendt's Death Sentences, in: Comparative literature studies, Bd. 48., 2011, 3 , pp. 280-296.

Butler, Judith: Hannah Arendt's challenge to Adolf Eichmann. In her treatise on the banality of evil, Arendt demanded a rethink of established ideas about moral responsibility, in: The Guardian, 29 August 2011.



Carlucci, Paola: Intellettuali nel Novecento: il confronto di Nicola Chiaromonte con Hannah Arendt. In: Ricerche di storia politica, 1/2011, pp. 3-28.

Casadei, Eliza Bachega: A História estilhaçada: tradições e usos do passado no diálogo entre Zygmunt Bauman e Hannah Arendt. Cadernos Zygmunt Bauman, 2011, (1):3-19.

Celermajer, Danielle: Hebraic Dimensions of Hannah Arendt's Thought, in: Journal of modern Jewish Studies, Bd. 10, 2011, 1, pp.. 3-23.

Cesaratto, Todd: Changes in Totalitarianism: Hannah Arendt, Franz Fuhmann, and George Saunders, in: The Germanic review : literature, culture, theory, Bd. 86, 2011, 2, pp. 73-93.

Chaves, Pablo López: "Salvar la patria judía". Hannah Arendt y la cuestión palestina, in: Historia Actual Online, Nº. 25 (Primavera), 2011, págs. 183-187.

Chen, Gao Hua: Thinking and Judgment (Chinese Edition), Social Science Press, 2011.

Clausen, Detlev: Im Spiegel eines Dritten. Hannah Arendt und Theodor W. Adorno, in: Weissberg, Liliane (Hg.): Affinität wider Willen? Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno und die Frankfurter Schule, Fritz Bauer Institut, Jahrbuch 2011 zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Frankfurt a. M. 2011, S. 67-84.

Correia, Adriano: Sobre o trágico na ação: Arendt (e Nietzsche), em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011,  págs 59-74.

Courtine-Denamy, Sylvie: Un cœur juif ? L’espoir déçu de Gershom Scholem par Hannah Arendt, in: Annabelle Herzog (ed.): Hannah Arendt. Totalitarisme et banalité du mal, Paris 2011.

Cristi, Renato: Autoridad, libertad y republicanismo, in: Revista de filosofía, Nº. 67, 2011, págs. 9-28.

Curthoys, Ned: Ernst Cassirer, Hannah Arendt, and the twentieth century revival of philosophical anthropology, in: Journal of genocide research, Bd. 13, 2011, 1, pp. 23-47.

Curthoys, Ned: Hannah Arendt: a Question of Character, in: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, 71, 2011, 1, pp. 58-79.


Daxner, Michel: Unbequeme Anamnesis, in: Trumah, Heft 20: Geschichte denken. Perspektiven von und zu Hannah Arendt, 2011, S. 69-77.

Debanne, Luciano / Meirovich, Valeria: Nacer para comenzar. Acción y libetad en Hannah Arendt. in: Razón y palabra, No. 78, 2011. 

Degryse, Annelies: Sensus Communis as a Foundation for Men as Political Beings: Arendt's reading of Kant's Critique of Judgment, in: Philosophy and Social Criticism 37 (3) 2011, pp. 345-358.

Disch, Lisa: How could Hannah Arendt glorify the American Revolution and revile the French? Placing On Revolution in the historiography of the French and American Revolutions, in: European journal of political theory, Bd. 10, 2011, 3, pp. 350-372.

Djerassi, Carl: Foreplay: Hannah Arendt, the two Adornos, and Walter Benjamin, Madison 2011.

Domhardt, Yvonne: Von Breslau nach Genf: Hannah Arendt als Vermittlerin bei der Überführung von Teilen der Bibliothek des Breslauer Rabbinerseminars in die Schweiz, in: Exilforschung. Ein internationales Jahrbuch, Bd. 29, 2011, S. 154-165.

Duarte, André de Macedo: "Hannah Arendt e o pensamento ‘da’ comunidade: notas para o conceito de comunidades plurais". O que nos faz pensar, in: Revista de Filosofia da PUC-RJ 29 (2011), p. 21-40.

Duarte, André: Hannah Arendt e o pensamento 'da' comunidade: notas para o conceito de comunidades plurais, em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 21-40.

Duarte, Pedro: O sentido político da arte hoje, O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 123-136.


Eenkhoorn, Piet/Graafland, Johan J.: Lying in business: insights from Hannah Arendt's ‘Lying in Politics’, in: Business ethics: a European review, Bd. 20., 2011, 4 (Okt.), pp. 359-375.

Ehrwein Nihan, Céline: Hannah Arendt : une pensée de la crise. La politique aux prises avec la morale et la religion, Genève 2011.


Fezzi, L.: S. Giorcelli Bersani, L'auctoritas degli antichi. Hannah Arendt tra Grecia e Roma, in: Revista storica italiana, Bd. 123, 2011, 2, p. 890-902.

Fielding, Helena A.: Multiple Moving Perceptions of the Real: Arendt, Merleau‐Ponty, and Truitt, in: Hypatia, Volume 26, Number 3, 1 August 2011, pp. 518-534.

Fischli, Sandro: Hannah Arendt und Gershom Scholem. Über den neu veröffentlichten Briefwechsel, in: Neue Wege. Beiträge zu Christentum und Sozialismus, Bd. 105, 2011, 5, S. 145-147.

Fuentes, Juan José: Vida, natalidad y libertad en Hannah Arendt: Objeciones a ciertas lecturas biopolíticas del pensamiento arendtiano, in: Isegoría: Revista de filosofía moral y política, Nº 44, 2011, págs. 239-255.


Geisen, Thomas: Arbeit und Subjektwerdung in der Moderne. Ein dialogue imaginaire zwischen Karl Marx und Hannah Arendt, Wiesbaden 2011.

Giacoia Jr., Oswaldo: Mal radical e mal banal, O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 137-178.

Godino, Héctor: El totalitarismo de Hannah Arendt en la perspectiva del fenomeno saturado, in: Princípios: Revista de Filosofia, Vol. 18, Nº. 30, 2011.

Góngora, Borja Lucena: Hannah Arendt: las ideologías y la supresión de la política, in: Endoxa: Series Filosóficas, Nº 27, 2011, págs. 231-250.

Gottlieb, Susannah Young-ah: Hannah Arendt: Reflections On Ruin, in: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, Bd. 71, 2011, 1, pp. 110-125.

Gross, Neil: Hannah Arendt, Totalitarianism, and the Social Sciences - by Peter Baehr, in: The American journal of sociology, Bd. 116, 2011, 6, pp. 2060-2062.

Gündoğdu, Ayten: Arendt on Culture and Imperialism: Response to Klausen, in: Political Theory, 2011; vol. 39, 5: pp. 661-667.

Gündoğdu, Ayten: Arendt on Culture and Imperialism: Response to Klausen, in: Political Theory, vol. 39, no. 5 (October 2011), pp. 661-667.


Halpern, Richard: Theater and Democratic Thought: Arendt to Rancière, in: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 37, No. 3 (Spring 2011), pp. 545-572.

Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011.

Hansen, Phillip: Individual Responsibility and Political Authority: Hannah Arendt at the Intersection of Moral and Political Philosophy, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, pp. 134-149.

Herzog, Annabelle (ed.): Hannah Arendt. Totalitarisme et banalité du mal, Paris 2011.

Herzog, Annabelle: Arendt et la banalité de la crise, in: Annabelle Herzog (ed.): Hannah Arendt. Totalitarisme et banalité du mal, Paris 2011.

Heuer, Wolfgang / Heiter, Bernd / Rosenmüller, Stefanie (Hg.): Arendt-Handbuch: Leben - Werk - Wirkung, Stuttgart 2011.

Higuera Espín, Javier de la: Hannah Arendt, El concepto de amor en san Agustín, in: El Buho: Revista electrónica de la Asociación Andaluza de Filosofía, Nº. 8, 2011.

Hoffman, Marcelo: Containments of the Unpredictable in Arendt and Foucault, in: Telos, Spring 2011, pp. 141-162.

Hoffmann, Stefan-Ludwig: Zur Anthropologie geschichtlicher Erfahrungen bei Reinhart Koselleck und Hannah Arendt, in: Hans Joas u. Peter Vogt (Hg.), Begriffene Geschichte. Materialien zum Werk Reinhart Kosellecks, Frankfurt: Suhrkamp 2011, S. 171-204.

Holldorf, Michael: Von der Möglichkeit eines Neuanfangs: Der politische Skandal und Hannah Arendts Gesellschaftskritik, in: Kristin Bulkow /Christer Petersen (Hrsg.): Skandale. Strukturen und Strategien öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeitserzeugung, Wiesbaden 2011, S. 67-85.

Holman, Christopher: Dialectics and distinction: Reconsidering Hannah Arendt's critique of Marx, in: Contemporary political theory, Bd. 10, 2011, 3, pp. 332-354.

Horowitz, Irving Louis: Hannah's Choice: Social Science or Political Philosophy, in: The European Legacy, Volume 16, Issue 5, August 2011, pp. 659-662.

Horster, Detlef (Hg.): Markt und Staat - Was lehrt uns die Finanzkrise? Hannah-Arendt-Lectures und Hannah-Arendt-Tage 2010, Weilerswist 2011. 

Horster, Detlef: Monster, Hanswurst, Bürokrat. Wie banal ist das Böse? Vor fünfzig Jahren begann der Prozess gegen Adolf Eichmann, den Organisator des Holocaust, in: Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung, Nr. 84, 9. April 2011, S. 6.


Igartua, Esteban Anchustegui: Política, violencia y totalitarismo. Hannah Arendt en el espejo, in: Fragmentos de filosofía, Nº. 9, 2011, págs. 1-11.

Ilivitzky, Matías Esteban: La desobediencia civil: aportes desde Bobbio, Habermas y Arendt, in: CONfines de relaciones internacionales y ciencia política, Nº. 13, 2011, págs. 15-47.


Janover, Michael: Politics and Worldliness in the Thought of Hannah Arendt, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011,pp. 25-38.

Jardim, Eduardo: O que nos faz pensar?, em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 195-217.

Jiménez Sánchez, José Joaquín: H. Arendt, Sobre la revolución, in: El Buho: Revista electrónica de la Asociación Andaluza de Filosofía, Nº. 8, 2011 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Hannah Arendt)

JIN, Shoutie: Jaspers and Arendt: Historical Memory and a New Beginning. In: Journal of Social Sciences, 2011, Issue 1, pp. 121-127.


Keedus, Liisi: ‘Human and nothing but human’: How Schmittian is Hannah Arendt's critique of human rights and international law?, in: History of European ideas, Bd. 37, 2011, 2, pp. 190-197.

Kemple, Thomas M.: The Saving Power of Social Action: Arendt between Weber and Foucault, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, pp. 87-102.

King, James: Hannah Arendt's Mythology. The political Nature of History and its Tales and Antiheroes, in: The European Legacy. Toward new Paradigms, Bd. 16, 2011, 1, pp. 27-39.

King, Richard H.: Hannah Arendt and the Concept of Revolution in the 1960s, in: New formations: a journal of culture, theory, politics, Bd. 71, 2011, 1, pp. 30-46.

Klusmeyer, Dougla B.: Contesting Thucydides' Legacy: Comparing Hannah Arendt and Hans Morgenthau on Imperialism, History and Theory, in: The international history review, Bd. 33, 2011, 1, pp. 1-26.

Klusmeyer, Douglas B.: The American Republic, Executive Power and the National Security State: Hannah Arendt's and Hans Morgenthau's Critiques of the Vietnam War. In:  Journal of International Political Theory 7/1, 2011, pp. 63-94.

Knott, Marie Luise: Verlernen. Denkwege bei Hannah Arendt. Mit Zeichnungen von Nanne Meyer, Matthes & Seitz Berlin 2011.

Kohlmayr, Christine: Das geflügelte Wort von der Banalität des Bösen. Hannah Arendts Buch "Eichmann in Jerusalem" in der deutschsprachigen Presse - eine Diskursanalyse, Marburg 2011.

Kraiker, Gerhard: Zum Verhältnis von Hannah Arendt und Karl Jaspers. Auffälligkeiten ihres Briefwechsels, in: Jung, Thomas / Müller-Doohm, Stefan (Hg.): Prekäre Freundschaften. Über geistige Nähe und Distanz, Paderborn 2011, S. 145-156. - Auch in: Trumah, Heft 20: Geschichte denken. Perspektiven von und zu Hannah Arendt, 2011, S. 1-12.


Labrador, Julián García: Hannah Arendt y la libertad: una aproximación. In: Pensar y educar: anuario del Instituto Superior de Filosofía "San Juan Bosco", Nº. 4, 2011, págs. 31-56

La Caze, Marguerite: The Miraculous Power of Forgiveness and the Promise, in: Hansen, Phillip / Magdalena Zolkos / Charles Barbour / Anna Yeatman (eds.): Action and appearance: ethics and the politics of writing in Hannah Arendt, New York 2011, pp. 150-165.

Lafer, Celso: Entrevista (entrevista concedida a Eduardo Jardim), em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 7-20.

Lázaro Paniagua, Alfonso: Autoridad y Libertad en Hannah Arendt, in: El Buho: Revista electrónica de la Asociación Andaluza de Filosofía, Nº. 8, 2011.

Leibovici, Martine: De l’obéissance en régime totalitaire, in: Herzog, Annabelle (ed.): Hannah Arendt. Totalitarisme et banalité du mal, Paris 2011.

Levet, Bérénice: Le musée imaginaire d'Hannah Arendt: parcours littéraire, pictural, musical de l'oeuvre, Paris 2011.

Liessmann, Konrad Paul: Thought after Auschwitz and Hiroshima: Günther Anders and Hannah Arendt, in: Enrahonar: Quaderns de filosofía, Nº 46, 2011 (Ejemplar dedicado a: Filosofia alemanya contemporània: ètica i estètica), págs. 123-135.

Lindner, Burkhardt: Das Politische und das Messianische: Hannah Arendt und Walter Benjamin. Mit einem Rückblick auf den Streit Arendt - Adorno, in: Weissberg, Liliane (Hg.): Affinität wider Willen? Hannah Arendt, Theodor W. Adorno und die Frankfurter Schule. Fritz Bauer Institut, Jahrbuch 2011 zur Geschichte und Wirkung des Holocaust, Frankfurt a. M. 2011, S. 209-230.

Lobo, María Fátima: Sobre el juicio como aptitud del actor y del espectador en las obras de Hannah Arendt, in: Aporía: revista internacional de investigaciones filosóficas, Nº. 1, 2011, págs. 21-41.

Luban, David: Hannah Arendt as a Theorist of International Criminal Law, in: International criminal law review, Bd. 11, 2011, 3, pp. 621-642.

Luengo, María: Filosofía de la Cultura Popular: Una lectura de la teoría crítica desde la perspectiva de Hannah Arendt, in: Cinta moebio, n. 40 Santiago mar. 2011, págs. 64-83.

Lyra, Edgar: Hannah Arendt e a ficção científica, em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 97-122.


MA, Ji-fen: The development of intension of "world" and "home" in phenomenology - from Husserl and Heidegger to Arendt. In: The Northern Forum, 2011, Issue 1, pp. 125-128.

MA, Ji-fen: On the Universality of Hannah Arendt's Public Field from Existential Perspective and Its Significance. In: Seeking Truth, 2011, Issue 4, pp. 55-58.

MA, Junfeng: On Arend's (sic) thought of republicanism. In: Zhongnan daxue xuebao (Shehui kexue ban) 2011, 3.

MacMillen, Sarah L: Faith Beyond Optimism: Simone Weil, Hannah Arendt, and Gillian Rose, in: Philosophy & theology, Bd. 23., 2011, 2, pp. 257-267.

MacPhee, Graham (ed.): Arendt, Politics, and Culture, in: College Literature, 38.1 (Winter 2011).

Mardellat, Patrick: L' économie comme dévoilement de la "vie nue" selon Hannah Arendt, in: Presses de l'ISMEA, 2011, p. 1179-1202.

Marks, Gregory: American Poet Phyllis McGinley: A Possible Source for Hannah Arendt's “Banality of Evil”, in: A Quarterly Journal of Short Articles, Notes and Reviews, Volume 24, Issue 3, July 2011, pp. 175-177.

Marques, Alfran Marcos Borges: Liberdade e espaço público no pensamento político de hannah arendt, in: FIDES: Revista de Filosofia do Direito, do Estado e da Sociedade, Vol. 2, Nº. 2, 2011, págs. 41-59.

Marques Palmeiro, Tito: Escrita e compreensão, em: O que nos faz pensar. Cuadernos do Departamento de Filosofía da PUC-Rio, Nº 29: maio de 2011, págs 259-271.

Marshall, Alan: 'Without Explaining': Saul Bellow, Hannah Arendt, and Mr Sammler's Planet, in: The Cambridge quarterly, Bd. 40, 2011, 2, pp. 141.

Martel, James: The Ambivalent Anachrism of Hannah Arendt , in: How Not to Be Governed: Readings and Interpretations from a Critical Anarchist Left, ed. by Jimmy Casas Klausen and James Martel, Lanham MD 2011, pp. 143-156.

Martel, James: Hannah Arendt, Federico Garcia Lorca, and the Place for the Human, in: Textual Conspiracies: Walter Benjamin, Idolatry, and Political Theory, Univ. of Michigan Press 2011, pp. 153-189.

Martín, Lucas G.: ¿Hannah Arendt y la servidumbre voluntaria? Repensando la hipótesis e Miguel Abensour. In: Revista de Filosofía y Teoría Política, 2011, no. 42, p. 64-94.

Martínez, Miguel Angel: Biopolítica de los derechos humanos: un acercamiento desde el pensamiento de Hannah Arendt, in: En-claves del pensamiento, Nº. 9, 2011, págs. 25-39.

McGowan, John: Nodi Politica e Immaginazione, L'immaginazione in Hannah Arendt, in: Iride. Filosofia e discussione pubblica, Bd. 24, 2011, 62, pp. 81-100.

Mehring, Frank: “All for the sake of Freedom”: Hannah Arendt’s Democratic Dissent, Trauma, and American Citizenship, in: Journal of Transnational American Studies, 3:2, 2011.

Meints, Waltraud: Partei ergreifen im Interesse der Welt. Eine Studie zur politischen Urteilskraft im Denken Hannah Arendts, Bielefeld 2011.

Mellegari, Iara Lucia / Ramos, César Augusto: Direitos humanos e dignidade política da cidadania em Hannah Arendt, in: Princípios: Revista de Filosofia, Vol. 18, Nº. 29, 2011.

Ménissier, Thierry: Hannah Arendt, in: Magazine littéraire, 2011, 504, p. 84-86.

Meyer, Katrin: „Kritik der Postdemokratie. Rancière und Arendt über die Paradoxien von Macht und Gleichheit.“ In: Leviathan 39 (2011): 21-38.

Michelis, Ángela: La questione della tecnica: evoluzioni di matrici heideggeriane nel pensiero di Hannah Arendt e di Hans Jonas, in: Problemata: Revista Internacional de Filisofía, Vol. 2, Nº. 1, 2011, págs. 27-51.

Morey, Maribel: Reassessing Hannah Arendt's “Reflections On Little Rock” (1959), in: Law, Culture and the Humanities, 1743872111423795, first published on December 20, 2011.

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